Answered By: Ann Marie Latini
Last Updated: Dec 15, 2023     Views: 292

We apologize for any difficulty accessing library resources. If you are a current student, staff member, faculty member, or emeritus, please try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Try accessing the resource through the library website. On the library website, find the resource in QuickSearch or on the Databases list, and then try to access it through the library website link. Access on campus generally works whether you access the resource through the library website or through an internet search. However, to access library resources off campus, you may need to access resources through the library website links in order for the platform to recognize you as a Rutgers affiliate.
  • If you're receiving an error message when accessing a resource, you may need to clear your browser cache and cookies. Try clearing your cache and cookies, close and reopen your web browser, and then try accessing the resource again.
  • Try using a different web browser. Settings or plugins in your browser might be blocking access, but a different browser might work.
  • If you still can't access resources, Ask A Librarian. If the resource is experiencing a widespread outage, we'll work with the platform to restore access. We'll also correct any problems with your library account that may be preventing access.


If you are a recent Rutgers hire or a new student, your account might not have been loaded into library systems yet. Contact Ask A Librarian, let us know that you're not able to log in, and we will check your account status and see if we can load your account.

If you are not a current student, staff member, faculty member, or emeritus, you will not be able to log into library resources remotely. Instead, you may visit the libraries in person to access resources on a guest computer.